Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze Up?

May 15, 2021

The warm and muggy summer weather in Drexel Hill, PA, will have you turning to your air conditioner for relief. Air conditioners use a chemical refrigerant to transfer heat out of your home. The refrigerant cycles through the air conditioner’s outdoor unit and indoor unit. When the refrigerant enters your home, it’s very cold. However, it’s not frozen. If you notice frost or ice buildup anywhere on your air conditioning system, this is a cause for concern. Read on to learn about five reasons why air conditioners freeze and some tips on what you should do if you see frost

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Should I Turn Off My Gas Furnace in the Summer?

April 19, 2021

Once the warm weather works its way into Drexel Hill, it is easy to forget about your furnace. Sure, you may set the thermostat to air conditioning, but does that really turn off your furnace? Does it really matter if you do more than flipping the thermostat setting? What It Means To Turn Off Your Furnace When it comes to turning off your furnace, most people just think about the thermostat. Depending on the type of furnace you have, that may in fact be the only element to turning it off for the season.

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What To Do With Your Gas Furnace During A Power Outage

March 17, 2021

Popular with many homeowners in Drexel Hill, gas furnaces provide reliable and inexpensive heat to help get you through those long Pennsylvania winters. While your furnace operates most of the time without a second thought, what happens when you lose power to your home and your furnace suddenly can’t operate? To help you protect your furnace to ensure it’s ready to get back to work when the power comes back on, here are a few guidelines that O'Brien Heating & Air Conditioning recommends you follow. How a Gas Furnace Works Although a gas furnace uses natural gas or propane as

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What Are The Different Types of Furnaces?

February 11, 2021

Furnaces are commonly used due to their quiet operation, energy efficiency, and durability. They are compatible with other units or can be used alone. Furnaces create warm air, and their ductwork may participate in cooling your home as well. They come in various sizes, but you can consult us at O'Brien Heating & Air Conditioning to get the right fit. Furnaces fall under two categories based on speed and fuel use. Here are the different types of furnaces. Furnaces Based on Fuel Type There are a few different fuel types that your furnace can run on. Here are

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Do Furnaces Require Annual Maintenance?

January 20, 2021

Homeowners rely on their furnaces to keep them warm in the winter, and a furnace needs to work properly to deliver the desired temperature. When something’s wrong with the furnace, don’t expect it to operate efficiently. Depending on the issue, a heating system might even break down completely if maintenance is neglected. Obviously, maintenance does help, but is it necessary to have maintenance performed annually? Generally, the answer to that question is yes. Read on to understand why. Routine Maintenance, Service and Tune-Ups Most experts and authorities do recommend a once-a-year maintenance visit.

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Troubleshooting Tips for My Heating System

December 15, 2020

The heating system in your home is crucial to the comfort of your family in the winter months. And a problem with your heating system will need to be fixed as quickly as possible when the air is cold outside your home. The following troubleshooting tips may prove helpful if your heating system fails to work properly. 1. Inspect Filters Checking your air filters is a simple process and should be one of the first things you do if you are not receiving adequate heat from your furnace. The flow of air through the system is

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Tips to Optimize Your Energy Efficiency This Winter

November 10, 2020

Most Americans report that their energy bills rise in winter. This happens for several well-established, proven reasons. First of all, households spend more time indoors during the winter. With more time spent at home, energy bills are naturally higher. Secondly, electricity generation costs are often higher in winter, forcing electricity companies to pass these costs onto customers. Lastly, municipalities often buy electricity from outside sources to meet demand, which also costs more. Despite these unavoidable factors, you can reduce your energy consumption this winter. Let’s take a look at how to go about it. Welcome Humidity Into

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What is Two-Stage Heating?

October 20, 2020

As the days in Drexel Hill, PA, get cooler, it’s time to start thinking about how you will keep your home comfortable this winter. If your current furnace is working fine, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if your current furnace seems to be malfunctioning or if your utility bills are higher than you’d like, then it may be time to consider a new approach to heating your home. At O'Brien Heating & Air Conditioning, one solution we recommend is a two-stage furnace. Understanding what sets these devices apart will help you determine if this is the direction you should go for

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How to Connect your New Thermostat to your AC

September 20, 2020

The summers in PA can get hot. If your old thermostat is starting to go bad, now is a great time to upgrade to a new device. Follow these steps for connecting your new thermostat to your air conditioner. Remove the Old Thermostat To start, turn the thermostat to the off position. Cut the breaker to the air conditioner. You’ll then lift the housing off the old thermostat. If it has screws, use a screwdriver to remove them. Remove the wall anchors for the old thermostat’s base plate. This allows you to access the wiring. Before

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